Week Five Will Eisner (The Last Day in Vietnam) (3 pts)
After reading this story, I was truly inspired and plan to dive deeper into Will Eisner's work. I have really been struggling to figure out what I am going to do for my thesis this year and I feel like through reading Last Day in Vietnam, I've finally figured it out. I felt like all of my ideas were to self indulgent and not creative enough. Then I read Eisner retelling of personal experiences that happened to him while he was in the military and I realized that's what makes a story special. Seeing someone else's perspective is what makes stories so great. I loved that he chose to illustrate his comic in a first person POV as well. I might adopt that strategy for my thesis as well too. This comic was beautifully drawn and I really appreciated the simplicity of the style and how expressive the bodies and movement of that characters were. Reading something about military culture was also very entertaining for me because I could relate as I am currently serving in the Air Force. I really appreciated this story and plan to go back and read Blankets and A Contract With God. This week's readings have really made me very grateful for the material that's being given to us to read in this class. I am being given such amazing resources that will assist me in my own artistic journey.
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