Week 10 Buddha 1 : Kapilavastu, Buddha 2: The Four Encounters (9 pts)

 This story was so interesting. I liked the approach Tezuka took and Disney's influence in his art style is definitely evident. This story that is like historical fiction was so fun to read because there was so much humor in it. I like that Tezuka doesn't take himself or the story too seriously and breaks the fourth wall every now and again, he even added himself into the story, taking you out of the story for a second for a laugh. I can see how some might not like this approach but I found myself enjoying the little gags that were placed throughout the story. I also very much enjoyed Tatta as a character. One thing that I didn't like about this story is how quickly characters died, especially Chapra and his mother! For two main characters to die so quickly and so easily and not to prevail was shocking and a bit upsetting. I understand that in the time period that is being portrayed life was not as valued, but it is fiction after all! The protagonists should prevail! :(

After reading this second volume, I caught something that I didn't in the first. I think it's hilarious how the time period this takes place in is constantly broken with pop culture and present day references like Superman and Sci-Fi movies. Aside from that though, I am finding myself falling deeper and deeper into this story. It is so interesting because even though it is fictional it feels somewhat historical in a sense. I've an interest in India for some time because my boyfriend studied in an Ashram for a whole year a few years ago and he speaks of that time often. He even has mentioned Brahmin to me before so it feels like I'm getting a little more context into his time there. I am also very interested in this read because I am pretty spiritual myself. I practice meditation and look into the concept of enlightenment often so reading a story about a subject that holds a lot of my interest makes it even more fun. It also makes me winder about Tezuka more as well and how spiritual he may have been. I was curious about how Siddhartha would grow after Asita prophesying that he would be so influential. I am really enjoying his character development and am excited to see him reach enlightenment. P.S.- I HATE BANDAKA'S CHARACTER AND IM GLAD HE'S DEAD!! But again the way these major characters die is really anti-climactic :(


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