Week 6 Underground Comics: Air Pirates,Tits and Clits, Complete Crumb Vol. 8 (5 pts)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading underground comics! I appreciate the realness and unapologetic-ness the creators bring to the table. I can see why many would be uncomfortable with reading material like this but I believe that most people have thoughts that are very on par with, if not even more twisted, that what was being portrayed in these comics. It's the reality of the human mind sexuality, drugs, alcohol are all things that we as humans struggle with. I think it is very evident that men struggle moreso with their sexual temptations than women do but these comics shed a light on how different people deal with these temptations. In Air Pirates I read: the Dirty Duck comics, as well as Silly Sympathies, and Dopin' Dan. You can really feel the college kid spirit in these comics. I thought about how when you're in your twenties is when it seems you're your most authentic self. Your most unapologetic self. These creators have come into their own and put out material that t...